30 June 2016
The phrase “day off” is very confusing to my Colombian
counterparts. They tell me there’s no such thing as a “day on”, so why do we
call it “day off’ in English? To them, the literal translation seems very
weird; they prefer to call it “dia descanso” or day of rest, which I suppose
does make more sense. Whatever you want to call it, I was surprised that we get
an entire day off – again, not much is explained until it happens & I ask
questions. ;P There’s honestly not too much to do around here. We’re a 3 hour
walk from the nearest town, which itself is very small. I already showered
& did laundry yesterday, so what to do? I read a lot, napped some, bird
watched some, went on a short walk to a nearby lookout over the valley of Cali,
played with Loki (until his habit of bite-playing gets to be too much – he’s an
adorable 4 month old puppy, looks like a little white rabbit bouncing around,
but doesn’t quite yet know how to play nicely)…it was a slow day. Looks like
we’ll have every Thursday off: 6 days on (covering 2 sites, 3 days each), then
1 day off. I miss movies & tv very much right now ;)
Loki |
Clouds rolling in over the Cauca Valley |
View of the farm from ridge above the farm |
Clouds above the cloud forest |
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